Dino Egg and Spoon

How to play Quoits


  1. Draw a line from which you must stand behind when throwing the quoits.

  2. Stand behind the line with your quoits.


  1. Take turns throwing your quoits at the pegs.

  2. The points scored by each player is determined by adding up the numbers of the pegs that the quoits land on.

  3. The first player or team to reach 21 points wins the game

How to play Tug of War


  • A long, strong rope

  • A marker to mark the centre of the rope

  • A referee


  1. Divide the players into two teams of equal size.

  2. Have each team stand on opposite sides of the rope, facing each other.

  3. The referee should stand in the middle of the rope and hold the marker in place.

  4. The players should grip the rope with both hands, shoulder-width apart.


  1. The referee will blow a whistle to start the game.

  2. The players will then pull on the rope as hard as they can.

  3. The team that pulls the other team over the center line wins the game.

Corn Toss

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