Dino Egg and Spoon

How to play Musical Cushions

  1. You will need one cushion for every player, minus one. For example, if you have 10 players, you will need 9 cushions.

  2. Set up the cushions. Arrange the cushions in a circle.

  3. Choose someone to be the music player. The music player will be responsible for playing and stopping the music at random intervals.They should not be able to see the players.

  4. Start the music. When the music starts, all of the players should start walking around the cushions in a circle.

  5. Stop the music. When the music stops, all of the players should stop walking and try to find a cushion to sit on.

  6. Remove a cushion. After the music stops, the music director should remove one cushion from the circle.

  7. Repeat steps 4-6. Continue playing until there is only one player left standing. That player is the winner!

How to play HOT Potato Game

  1. Gather your materials. You will need a beanbag or small ball & you will need a cushion for every player.

  2. Choose a music player. The music player will be responsible for playing and stopping the music at random intervals and should not be able to see the players.

  3. Have everyone sit in a circle on their cushions.

  4. Start the music. When the music starts, everyone should start passing the beanbag or ball around the circle as quickly as possible.

  5. Stop the music. When the music stops, whoever is holding the beanbag or ball is out of the game and must leave the circle.

  6. Repeat steps 4&5. Continue playing until there is only one player left. That player is the winner!

Corn Toss

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